Transfer of spectra to BREIN

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Transfer of spectra to BREIN

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Measured spectra are passed to BREIN using network folders which can be accessed both by BREIN and the data acquisition software. Each probehead saves its spectra to a separate folder (named after the probehead), for example BE1, BE2 or BE3. BREIN permanently scans these folders. As soon as new data are detected the analysis starts.

Each spectrum is stored as a simple textfile with a wavelength column and a data column (holding the reflectance or transmittance values), separated by a tab character or a blank.

The filenames are used to transfer important information to BREIN. They must start with the identification of the sample (a string) followed by the separator '___' (3 underscores) and the identifier of the spectrum type (e.g. 'RF' for film side reflectance, 'RB' for backside reflectance, 'T' for transmittance, ...). The file extension must be *.xy. Valid filenames are 2345___T.xy or VR34P123___RF.xy.

If the probehead scans the sample, i.e. it is able to measure several spectra for each sample at different positions, the position where the spectrum has been recorded must be specified by three additional coordinates x, y and z. x is the position along the long side of the pane, while y specifies the position across the pane perpendicular to the x-direction. z denotes the height and is not used in most BREIN applications. x, y and z have to be a position in mm as integer numbers. These numbers must be included in the filename, separated with '___'. The transmission spectrum of Sample 76893 taken at x = 600 mm, y = 1450 mm  and z=345 mm is stored in the file 76893___T___600___1450___345.xy. If no z-value is specified you can skip the z-coordinate in the filename and use names like 76893___T___600___1450.xy.