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Automatic installation

The installation of the OLE server is done by the CODE setup routine. It registers the application as OLE automation server named 'code.colors' which is after the setup procedure available to all OLE automation clients like LabView, Excel, C++, ... .


Manual registration

You can unregister and register OLE servers manually, using the Windows command line with administrator rights. In order to unregister CODE as OLE server, use the command


c:\program files\code\code.exe /unregserver


where the path to the executable file has to be adjusted, of course.


To manually register CODE please use the command

c:\program files\code\code.exe /regserver


CODE has all OLE commands and properties that our SCOUT software has, and some more in addition. This section lists all methods and properties, repeating all SCOUT items for completeness.


CODE as OLE server must be called as 'code.colors', like in the following line of a VisualBasic example:


Set wcd = CreateObject("code.colors")


The following sections describe the available OLE methods and properties. The application of OLE automation is demonstrated in an Excel VisualBasic example.