Computes the color coordinate of a spectrum.
The index of the spectrum in the list of spectra is given by the parameter 'spectrum_index'. The spectra are counted 1, 2, 3, ...
Depending on the parameter 'simulated' the color coordinate of the simulated or the measured spectrum is computed:
simulated = 0: The color coordinate of the measured spectrum is computed
simulated = 1: The color coordinate of the simulated spectrum is computed
The 'color_type' parameter selects the color coordinate to be computed. The following choices are possible:
0: L*
1: a*
2: b*
3: X
4: Y
5: Z
6: x
7: y
8: z
9: L
10: a
11: b
'Illuminant' selects one of the following illumination spectra:
0: A
1: D65
2: C
With 'observation angle' you can set the observation angle for which the color coordinate is computed:
0: 2°
1: 10°
Calling scout.color_coordinate(1, 1, 1, 0, 1) returns a* of the first simulated spectrum in the list of spectra. It is computed for illuminant A and 10° observation angle.