The functionality of DirectDF has been integrated into SCOUT when the Pane wizard has been developed. If you have SCOUT or CODE you do not need DirectDF anz more - just use the pane wizard!
This is a small tool for the direct determination of dielectric functions. It can be applied if you have recorded a transmittance as well as a reflectance spectrum on the same sample spot, and if, in addition, the sample is just a thick layer of the material under investigation. No interference fringes must appear in the spectra, although multiply reflected partial waves are allowed. Both spectra have to be recorded at almost normal incidence of light. From the two input spectra and the sample thickness (which must also be known before) the dielectric function is computed. The transmission must be significantly different from zero.
This method applies to thick substrates with both sides polished such as microscope slides, silicon wafers polished on both sides or KBr plates.