The batch control window including all results can be saved with the SCOUT configuration. You can select part of table with the mouse and use the Copy command to copy it to the clipboard. From there you can import the data in other programs like Excel, Word, ... . Using the File|SaveAs command you can also store the table directly in Excel 5.0 format.
Look at the values of the fit deviation and check if they are small enough.
You can have a quick look at the fit results using the command Actions|Loop through results. In this case, starting with the first sample, the spectra and the obtained fit parameters are restored in SCOUT which now shows the status after having processed this sample. A small dialog lets you choose to continue with the next sample or quite the cycle through all fit results.
If you place the cursor in a sample's column, you can
•Actions|Load fit parameters into SCOUT: This loads the fit parameter values of this sample into SCOUT. Alternatively you can execute this command by the speed button labeled as 'FP --> SC2'.
•Actions|Load spectra into SCOUT: This loads the input spectra of this sample into SCOUT (Speed button: 'SP --> SC2').
•Restore SCOUT (spectra and parameters): This loads both the fit parameter values and the spectra of this sample into SCOUT (Speed button: 'FP+SP --> SC2').
It may happen that one of the fits was bad and, after reloading the poor results, you can improve the fit by some manual actions. In this case you can 'repair' the table and enter the improved values using the command Actions|Enter fit parameters into table (or the speed button 'SC2 --> WB'). Of course, the cursor must be in the column of the sample that has been revisited.