In the main window of SCOUT you can load and store so-called 'fit parameter sets' which can be very useful if you have to switch spectral ranges and selections of fit parameters quite often. Fit parameter sets store the following:
•spectral ranges and graphics parameters of all model dielectric functions
•spectral ranges and graphics parameters of all simulated spectra
•selection of fit parameters (including their variation options and ranges)
Note that actual values of fit parameters are not stored which means that their current values are preserved when you change fit parameter sets.
The situation for which the application of fit parameter sets is recommended is the following: You have to do the optical analysis for several samples. Some of the model parameters (e.g. oscillator parameters) have influence on the spectra only in limited spectral ranges. You can work with groups of parameters: Some are adjusted first in a certain spectral range, then others are optimized in a second step (probably in a different spectral range), and so on. Finally, you may want to optimize all relevant parameters in a large spectral range covering all the 'subranges'.
This procedure requires the execution of a lot of Range dialogs, fit parameter selections and deletions. If you use master and slave parameters, you would have to type in the required formulas for each sample again.
Here you can save a lot of typing work using fit parameter sets: As soon as you have set the spectral ranges and fit parameters for the first group of parameters and the first set of measurements, you should save the settings with the command Fit parameter set|Store in the main window. When you need the same fit parameter selection the next time (for the second sample), you just recall it by Fit parameter set|Load.
Fit parameter sets can be loaded and used in OLE automation applications. Examples will be discussed in one of the tutorials.
In combination with automatic parameter fitting you can automatically apply sequences of fit parameter sets. See the section about automatic fitting.