Some SCOUT objects use a formula interpreter to create data. To do this the user usually specifies in a dialog the formula by editing a string. Also the range over which the data will be calculated can be set. When you leave the dialog a formula interpreter checks the formula string and fills the data of the object with new values calculated according to the formula.
In a formula string you can use the following functions:
Function Explanation
abs(...) the absolute value of the argument
tan(...) trigonometric functions (argument in rad)
acos(...) inverse trigonometric functions
cosh(...) hyperbolic functions
exp(...) the exponential
ln(...) the natural logarithm
log(...) the logarithm with base 10
sqr(...) the square of the argument
sqrt(...) the square root of the argument
frac(...) returns the fractional part of the argument
int(...) returns the integer part of the argument
step(...) the step or 'heavyside' function
rect(...) the rect function
rnd(...) returns random numbers centered around 0 with amplitude
given by the argument
si(...) sin(...)/(...)
pi 3.14159
Expressions of the form number1^number2 are allowed and return the number2'th power of number1. Of course the usual operators +,-,*,/ and () can be used to combine expressions.
The variables that can be used in a formula string vary from object to object and are given in the individual formula dialogs.