Automatic installation
The installation of the OLE server is done by the SCOUT setup routine. It registers the application as OLE automation server named 'scout.scoutole' which is from now on available to all OLE automation clients like LabView, Excel, C++, ... .
Manual registration
You can unregister and register OLE servers manually, using the Windows command line with administrator rights. In order to unregister SCOUT as OLE server, use the command
c:\program files\scout\scout.exe /unregserver
where the path to the executable file has to be adjusted, of course.
To manually register SCOUT please use the command
c:\program files\scout\scout.exe /regserver
Using OLE automation
During your work with the automation server you will have to use configuration files and – eventually – files that contain sets of fit parameters. It is recommended that you collect those and the experimental data files that are going to be analyzed in appropriate directories.
After the automation server is registered in the Windows registry (see the installation section) OLE automation clients can create automation objects and control these by their properties and methods. To give an example, the following two lines of Visual Basic code generate the new automation object 'scout' whose methods and properties can be used afterwards:
Public scout As Object
Set scout = CreateObject("scout.scoutole")
While methods are called to induce some server activity object properties are used to set or recall some object variables. This section describes the SCOUT OLE automation object properties and their use.