Measurement series

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Measurement series

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This action object provides the functionality that you need to acquire a series of measurements for a single sample. The user interface looks like this:




You can click the product name to change it, and do the same with the sample name. You can also edit the number of measurements to be performed.


A click on 'Acquire next' executes 2 scripts: If no measurement has been done up to now a script called 'measurement series prepare new series' is executed. Please note that you have to define a script with this name in one of the views and fill it with the wanted actions. An example is discussed below.

After the call of the 'preparation script' another script is called which has the task to do the actual measurements. It must be called 'measurement series measurement script'.The script should perform all steps to do the measurements and the subsequent data analysis and storage. Also here we discuss an example below.


If you are unhappy with the measurement you can repeat it by a click on 'Repeat measurement'. This will execute the measurement script once more without increasing the counting of the already performed measurements.

If the measurement is ok but you want to re-do the data analysis then click on 'Repeat fit'. A script called 'measurement series repeat fit' will be executed which should contain only those actions needed to do the analysis once more and to store the (hopefully) improved new results.