
Navigation:  The optical model > Defining Materials > Material types > Interpolate n and k tables >


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A rather simple version of a master model is a linear interpolation of tabulated values of n and k values (real and imaginary part of the refractive index). Material objects of type 'Interpolate n and k tables' are made to do this job. This section shows how to use objects of this type. A step-by-step example will demonstrate how to get a ready-to-use object from scratch.

The example uses n and k data for different stats of WO3 found in literature (Rubin, Michael D., Klaus von Rottkay, Shi-Jie Wen, Nilgün Özer, and Jonathan L. Slack, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 54, 1996, 49-57). The published pictures show graphs of the real part n and the imaginary part k for various densities of injected charge:


WO3 n




WO3 k


The goal is now to make these data available as a material object which delivers n and k values for any value of the injected charge in the range 0 ... 68.