For easy data exchange between SCOUT objects and other programs SCOUT objects can read and write data in ASCII files using a simple, column based data format. This is explained at best in an example. A file containing data columns (y-values) defined on equidistant x-values would look like this:
Standard data file Comment
0 First row: minimum of the x-range
100 Second row: maximum of the x-range
7 3 Third row: Number of rows of data
points and separated with a blank
the number of data colums.
Here: 7 rows in 3 columns.
Data created by M.D. Fourth row: one line to comment the data
1.00 232.4 4343.97
1.30 242.3 4545.23
0.34 234.4 4546.45
4.56 232.6 4543.40 Data rows and columns
1.45 232.4 4545.56
1.43 232.8 4545.63
1.40 232.9 4545.99
Hello user! In this section Anything else in the file is not read usually.
anything can be added
but it is useless since it
is not read by SCOUT objects.
The format for non-equidistant x-values (i.e. for each y-value there is an x-value) is the following:
Standard data file Comment
0 First row: 0
0 Second row: 0
To indicate the format for
nonequidistant data the first
and second row must contain
the same number, usually a 0
7 3 Third row: Number of rows of
data points and separated
with a blank the number of
colums of y-data.
Here: 7 rows in 3 columns.
Data created by M.D. Fourth row: one line to comment the data
0.01 1.00 232.4 4343.97
0.02 1.30 242.3 4545.23 Data rows and columns
0.05 0.34 234.4 4546.45
0.04 4.56 232.6 4543.40 one row of x-data
0.03 1.45 232.4 4545.56 three rows of y-data
0.09 1.43 232.8 4545.63
0.12 1.40 232.9 4545.99
Hello user! In this section Anything else in the file is not read usually.
anything can be added
but it is useless since it
is not read by SCOUT objects.