Tauc-Lorentz model

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Tauc-Lorentz model

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Another suggestion for an interband transition model was given by [Jellison 1998A].  This model is called the Tauc-Lorentz model and gives the following expression for the imaginary part of the susceptibility:



The 4 parameters of the model must be entered using wavenumber units (except for S which has the unit (1/cm)1/2) in the following dialog:




The following assignments apply:




Strength (in the Jellison paper a constant A was used which is the square of S)


Damping constant


Resonance frequency


Gap energy


The following example shows the dielectric function obtained with this model (the parameters are those displayed in the dialog above) where a constant dielectric background of 1 has been added:

Note that the peak of the imaginary part occurs at the resonance frequency. Below the gap the imaginary part is exactly zero, i.e. there is no absorption.