Retrieving results

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Retrieving results

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Having done SPRAY simulations controlled by OLE automation or manually; you can use the following commands to get access to detector signals.


Simple rectangular detectors

simple_detector_value(name : string, specpos : float) = float

Here you have to specify the name of the detector object and the spectral position. The latter must be given in wavenumbers (i.e. the inverse wavelength, measured in 1/cm). You will get back the detected fraction of the detector at this spectral point.

VisualBasic example:

result = spray.simple_detector_value("Backside detector",12500)


Array detectors

array_detector_value(name : string, pixel, specpos : float) = float

Parameters of this function are the detector name, the wanted pixel and the spectral position (in wavenumbers). The pixels are counted from 1 to the number of pixels of the array. The return value of the function is the detected fraction.

VisualBasic example:

result = spray.array_detector_value("My detector", 14,12500)



screen_value(name : string) = float

You specify the name of the screen and this function returns the fraction of rays that hit the screen. Screens add rays independent from spectral positions, i.e. there is no frequency information.

VisualBasic example:

result = spray.screen_value("Side")