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This program is used to avoid that files with measured data or results pile up in certain directories if they are not processed by BREIN for some reason. If there are many thousand files in a single directory, Windows Explorer can get quite slow and serious work may be blocked. BREIN_cleaner is usually operated parallel to BREIN, and you should put it in the brein_autostart.ini file. However, it can be started as an individual program if you want to clean folders before you start BREIN itself.

BREIN_cleaner looks like this:




The program allows to watch 2 groups of folders for files which are overaged.

In cases where BREIN is configured to pick up measured data files in network folders outside the BREIN database, you can specify a input path in the top field of the program. The various input folders within this common path are specified in the lower left section called Input1, Input2, ... in the following.

Within the BREIN database, BREIN_cleaner will watch those folders which are listed in the lower right section (called BE1, BE2, ...). For each listed subfolder, BREIN_cleaner deletes all overaged files in the /new, /in progress and /analyzed subdirectories. For each product the /new_results folder is cleaned as well.

For both sections you can specify the tolerated age of file by stating the days, hours and minutes. In the following example all files older than 1 hour in the input folders are deleted. In the BREIN database files older than 3 days are deleted:



When you make changes in the BREIN_cleaner settings the new settings are stored in the file brein_cleaner.ini in the program directory. When the software starts it loads the settings from this file.