Guidelines for preparing new product definitions

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Guidelines for preparing new product definitions

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In order to introduce a new product to an existing BREIN system, the following hints may be useful.

Since there are many configuration files to be generated, it is recommended to start with a working product and make a copy in the database folder products. Here we show the required steps for the product 'Demo' which is shipped with BREIN.


1.Copy the Demo folder and rename the copy to Demo2.

2.Enter Demo2 as a new line in the file products.ini

3.Open the Demo2 folder and delete the database file brein_results.cds. When you later select the new product for the first time in BREIN.exe (don't do that now) the program generates a new database file.

4.Open the file objects.txt and verify the sequence of deposition devices and bright eyes. If the new product does not use the same objects as the one that was copied you have to delete objects or enter new ones in the list object sequence. If you have to enter new ones, make sure that you also generate new object folders. To do so, the best way is to copy an existing one and modify the copy as required.

5.Start brein.exe and click on the 'Select product' button. Select the new product. A new database file is created automatically at this time.

6.Use the command 'Actions/Log-in to modify product' to enter BREIN interior where you can make modifications to the configuration.

7.Click on the page 'Overview' to see a graph of the factory. A mouse click on the individual objects (deposition devices and bright eyes) opens dialogs to change the object properties. Go through all deposition devices and inspect the number, the names and the specifications of the parameters to be determined by the BREIN analysis.

8.Now use the menu command 'Settings/History' and set in the dialog how the modified parameters should appear in the 'History' page.

9.Use the menu command 'Settings/Profiles' and set in the dialog how the modified parameters should appear on the page 'Profiles'.

10.Use the menu command 'Settings/Spectra' and set in the dialog how the modified spectra should appear on the page 'Spectra'.

11.If you have used the graphical user interface of brein.exe to change the number of parameters of a deposition device or one of the parameter names, you have to close the program now and delete (once more!) the database file brein_results.cds in the product directory. Using the new parameter settings, brein.exe has to generate a new database file.


The settings in BREIN itself are now done. What remains to be done are the modifications of the optical analysis. In the case of glass coatings, this means to adapt the analysis of the inline spectra (done by bright_eye_inline.exe) and the exsitu data (bright_eye_traverse.exe).



1.Check the file bright_eye_inline.ini for necessary modifications concerning the number of bright eyes and their names.

2.Start Bright_eye_line.exe and click on 'Show CODE' to open the CODE window which does the actual analysis. In CODE, use the menu command 'Fit parameter set/Load' and search for the file fit_parameters.fps in the BE1 folder. Then press F7 to enter CODE's treeview level and right-click on 'Fit parameters' in the treeview on the left side. Check if the names of the fit parameters match your expectations for BE1. You should not make any changes in CODE unless you are a CODE expert and you know what you are doing. If you made changes and you are really sure that they are OK, save the fit parameter selecton using the menu command 'Fit parameter set/Store'.

3.Repeat the inspection of the selected fit parameters by loading the fit parameter sets for all BEs that are analyzed by bright_eye_inline.exe (BE2, BE3, ...).



1.Check the file bright_eye_traverse.ini for necessary modifications concerning the number of bright eyes and their names.

2.Start bright_eye_traverse.exe and open the CODE window. Press F7 and right-click 'Fit parameters' in the treeview. You do not have to load a fit parameter set in this case because usually bright_eye_traverse.exe is not used with fit parameter sets.

3.You should not make any changes in CODE unless you are a CODE expert and you know what you are doing.