- 3 -
- 7 -
- A -
assignment of dielectric functions
average sharp spectral features
- B -
- C -
compute integrating sphere reflectance
compute integrating sphere transmittance
- D -
dielectric function assignment
- E -
effective dielectric functions
electronic interband transitions
Export multidimensional grid fit data
- F -
Frequency dependent expressions
- G -
- H -
- I -
- J -
- K -
- L -
- M -
move to glass position and wait
- N -
- O -
- P -
Parameters for U-value computation
- Q -
- R -
- S -
sequence of fit parameter sets
superposition of partial waves
- T -
thickness distribution function
- U -
- V -
Validation rules for measured data
- W -
- X -
- Y -
- Z -